I haven’t written anything for my blog in about two months. And I could say that a lot has happened, but that would probably be a lie. The full truth would be I let life get the absolute better of me, I started to get lost in my day to day tasks and got stuck in a routine, which is the last thing I ever want to do. Saying that I don’t want to get stuck in a routine is probably a weird thing to say, because that is what most people want, to get comfortable and stick with things that are familiar to them. 

I’d honestly rather have more spontaneous days than being stuck inside at a job. I’d rather be out and about vlogging my day, living every day to the fullest. But for now, I am, in fact, stuck with being “comfortable” and keeping a routine. 

Quickly, I’d like to go over a few things that have changed since the last time I wrote:

  • I worked as a seasonal sales associate at a retail store and have recently accepted a full-time position there. I’m not going to lie, the first month was fun, but I am already ready for a change. I feel like I have so much potential, and I am not using ANY of that potential where I am. However, I am grateful to have this job because I have been struggling financially. So, the way I am looking at it is that this is temporary. This job is to help fund the actual things that I want to do until I can start making money from doing the things I want. 
  • I am almost at 200 subscribers on YouTube! This may not seem like a lot to most people, but to me, it means I am one step closer to reaching my goals. I’m pretty sure I’ve talked about it before that I want to share my story, my life, with people in hopes of helping at least one person. If I helped that one person, it means I made it. 
  • I got featured on a blog called, “As Told By Victoria.” Victoria is a travel, lifestyle, and “real life” blogger. She became a blogger to become a better writer in grad school. To read more about her and her blog, visit this link. To read the blog post, I was in, visit this link. “Real Table Talk” 
  • I had an update MRI scan, and the results are STABLE. But if there is any more growth, I will need to decide if I want to look for treatment options or monitor the growth every few months.
  • My boyfriend and I have officially moved into our first place together and have gotten two of our four cats back.
  • I am taking two online college classes. (I honestly probably won’t be taking anymore. Taking these classes has made me realize and remember why I started my blog and YouTube Channel and why I dropped college in the first place).

We all get caught up in life, so I apologize for taking so long to get this post out, thank you for keeping up with my Journey!

(P.S. My blog makes a year old in March! 🎉)

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