For day two of Blogtober, I have decided to write about why I decided to start a blog.

Since elementary school, I have always had a fascination with reading and writing. I was what you could call a “book-worm.” I’d go to the library every week and check out up to 15 books, and I did this all through middle school too. In elementary school, my love for writing formed when we had gotten an assignment to write a story about something I loved doing. That’s when I had taken a liking about the idea of writing about me and my life.

In middle school and high school, I had taken up writing poetry and song lyrics. Writing had quickly become an outlet for me to express myself in different ways. I used to share my work on a creative writing website for a few years. I shorty lost the motivation to write when a few of my classmates found out I wrote poetry and made fun of me for it.

About a year ago, I found that I loved reading about other people’s lives and adventures. When I had gotten diagnosed for the second time with cancer, I had decided I wanted to find a way to document my life. I first chose Youtube, I had made a few videos, but I am still finding it challenging to find the right words to say on camera.

In February of this year, I had started researching to find different ways to share my journey with people. I discovered that blogging is a popular way to share things about your life or what you do, whether you’re a stay at home mom, fitness fanatic, or traveler. I decided to use my blog to share about my cancer journey and other life experiences.

The main purpose of my blog is to share my life and to hopefully help someone who may be going through something similar and help them realize that they aren’t alone, and things do get better. I have learned not to care what people think about what I do, and if I enjoy it, I should do it.

Thanks for reading my day two post for Blogtober! Bear with me while we make it through to the end of this month!

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