I’ve always been relatively bad at creating consistent content; I post maybe once a month at best. Despite how bad I am with having content for you all, I have decided to challenge myself and participate in Blogtober!

What is it?

From my understanding, Blogtober is a challenge that bloggers (and vloggers) take a part of. It’s a 31-day challenge throughout October to push yourself creatively. It’s also a way for your audience to get to know you better.

It seems similar to those month-long photo challenges you see on social media, except you’re writing. There are no official rules that I am aware of; you just need to post every day of the month.

Please let me know if there are any rules for this challenge!

Why I’m Participating?

As I mentioned earlier, I am pretty bad at staying consistent with creating content. I wanted to challenge myself, to get more organized and to just do it. I have so many things I’d like to write about, but I am a huge procrastinator. I also worry too much that what I post won’t be interesting enough for you all to read. I can push projects back over and over again until I eventually forget about it.

I am diving headfirst into this challenge with little to no preparation. So — as you can already tell it’s going great!

I hope to see you following along on this adventure!

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