Dear Future Self,

Whether you are reading this a month, year, five years, or even ten years from now, I want you to remember exactly how this moment felt. You are currently sitting outside of a coffee shop in a mini mall-like place, writing your 6th blog post for Blogtober, and drinking black iced coffee. It’s a beautiful hot day (like always) in Hawaii. It’s been almost exactly a month since you stopped cancer treatments and you just quit a job you’ve wanted to get, but that is okay. Things are tough right now, but you got through it.

Yesterday you committed to your blog and YouTube channel, so I hope you’re reading this when you finally made it. Remember, though; it’s not about the likes, follows, or subs. It’s about how many lives you can touch, how many people you can help. I hope you reached all your goals and worked hard towards making every single one of your dreams come true. I hope you followed your dreams of moving to the mainland for more opportunities to network with people to make new friends and memories. I hope you’ve been traveling the world too.

I hope by now, you are married to the man of your dreams and have the amazing family you have always wanted. I hope you have your dream house with the dark grey wooden looking floors with a pool outside and a huge yard for all the animals you’ve wanted. If you don’t have any of these things yet, that’s okay, don’t rush things, good things take time. Just make sure you are continually working hard every day to make those dreams come true.

Remember, it is never, “why me,” it’s, “try me.” Everything that you went through up until this moment happened for a reason. You were tested, and guess what? You MADE it. I am so proud of you for never giving up. I am so proud of you for standing back up every time life knocked you down. I am so proud of you for existing every time you didn’t want to anymore.

I am proud of you for making it this far. I am proud of you for thinking that you made it. You did make it, but it’s also just the beginning. I want you to think hard and remember why you started. Don’t ever forget why, and don’t ever stop.



Written on:
Sunday, October 6th, 2019

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