Like most people, I have been in my quarantine since March of this year. Hawaii initially shut down for the first time around that time, and now- nine months later, everyone is already going back to their “normal” lives. I haven’t been going out shopping, eating, hanging out with friends, or even seeing family members for my safety. If I have to be honest, I think it is finally getting to me, not being able to socialize. Throughout the quarantine, I have learned that I thrive off being around other people and having that energy around me. I always thought I was okay on my own since I didn’t have many friends growing up, but it is the first year I have been moved out on my own (with my boyfriend), so I don’t have brothers or grandma around with me.

Most of my days have been spent waking up between 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM, laying around in bed for another thirty minutes after, and then finally getting up and getting around to starting my vlog for the day. Some days I will stream for about four hours, then eat some food when John comes home, finally finish my vlog for the day, sleep, and repeat. To most people, this would sound like “the life,” but I have to be honest with you guys, it isn’t. I miss being able to spend hours in coffee shops to work. I miss being able to freely come and go as I please to visit my grammy and brothers. I miss being able to walk around malls and go grocery shopping without feeling like I am being rushed or that if I spend too much time in one place, I’ll get sick. I have not been able to find a job since “leaving” my other job in March ( that is a whole different story).

So today is February 7th, and I finally decided to finish writing this darn blog post. I am not sure if I have had severe writer’s block or just haven’t been feeling any motivation but, I am back, and that is all that matters, right?

Some updates:

January 6th, 2021, I got my tonsils out, and it was probably one of the worst surgeries I have ever done, in which I also ended up having to go to the emergency room for it. (I will write about it in another post and will link in here when I do).

On January 18th, 2021, I officially went off a medication known to cause mental health issues and stopped taking it on December 31st, 2020, before my tonsillectomy surgery as a precaution and wasn’t able to take it after the surgery and got in touch with the prescribing doctor. We both decided it would be best to come off of it- and let me tell you, best decision ever. It’s a little over a month off that medication, and my mom can even tell the difference in me.

January 27th, 2021 I was supposed to get an MRI, but it got pushed back by about three weeks because of the MACHINES BROKE. This is the first time that has happened to me, so the scanxiety has been basically times 100, and I have been coping by eating. My scan is rescheduled for February 17th, so wish me luck!

This hasn’t been the most exciting post I have ever made, but an update to my blog was due, so thank you for stopping by, and hopefully, I’ll get out of this rut I’m in and will be back soon.

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