It is officially day 9 of Blogtober, and I have to be honest, I am struggling to try to keep up with creating decent content. This is the most I’ve ever written consistently in probably years. My mind feels fried, and sometimes when it is, I can have a negative mindset towards things. Having the right mindset is essential to have with doing well, anything. Below, I talk about a few of my favorite books that I read about not only a mindset but business and relationships also.

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#1 “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success,” by Carol S. Dweck

Mindset is, by far, one of my favorite reads. Mindset explains the difference between having a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. It describes how people with a growth mindset thrives on challenges, and people with a fixed mindset does not. The fixed mindset says, “I can’t do it.” The growth mindset says, “I can’t do it yet.” 

eBook: Mindset: The New Psychology of Success

#2 “The Energy Bus,” by Jon Gordon

The Energy Bus is a book that helps you create success through 10 simple rules using positive energy in the workplace, life, and relationships. It’s a story about a man named George who is struggling at work and home, it all starts with his car breaking down and him having to take the bus to work. He ends up on a bus where the driver is named Joy, and she is no ordinary bus driver. She helps her riders recognize and understand principles of success that affect every aspect of their lives.

#3 “The Compound Effect,” by Darren Hardy

The Compound Effect is about how small, consistent actions can lead to tremendous results in both your life and in business. This book teaches that the choices and habits you make every day (whether you know you’re making them or not) can affect your future positively or negatively. Your decisions determine your destiny. 

#4 “Extreme Ownership,” by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin

Extreme Ownership is a book written by Navy Seals; they teach how a true leader will take 100% ownership of everything he is in charge of. Including the outcome and everything that it affects. It explains how this should apply to leadership at ANY level. They teach Extreme Ownership by sharing their own experiences.

#5 “How To Win Friends & Influence People,” by Dale Carnegie

How To Win Friends and Influence People is a book that every single person should read, whether you are a business owner or not. It teaches principles on how to become a better likable person, handle your relationships well, and help people change their behavior without being intrusive.

#6 “Start With Why,” by Simon Sinek

Start With Why is a book to help you do work that inspires you. It uses real-world examples to show you how people communicate and how you can adapt their mindset to inspire others too. It teaches that those who start with why never manipulate they inspire. It teaches that people don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. 

#7 “The 5 Love Languages,” by Gary Chapman

 The 5 Love Languages is a book that explains well the five (emotional) love languages. Every person doesn’t love the same way and learning your partners and your love language is key to a successful relationship. It’s also essential to learn the love languages so you can realize how other people show they love you and learn how to show others that you love them. 

#8 “Boundaries,” by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend

The book Boundaries teaches you when to say yes and when to say no. It shows you how to take control of your life. This book does contain some religious references, I don’t like speaking about religion much, but if you can look past it, and look at the facts, this book is an excellent book to read. It taught me that I don’t have to keep saying yes to everyone asking me to do things, and I should only do those things if I want to and have the time to do it. 

Bonus Book

Recommended by John W. 

#9 “Atomic Habits,” by James Clear

Atomic Habits teach that small habits can have a significant impact if it’s done over months and years. It is a guide to breaking bad behaviors and adopting good ones. The goal is to get one percent better each day in more than one area of your life.

Here’s a quote from the book that John says likes:

“Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.”

Also, here’s a link to a free eBook for those of you who love comics!

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