I am starting to slow down with Blogtober. I feel like I should be taking a day off to have fun and relax. I am honestly getting a little stressed trying to keep up with making daily content for you all. Next year I’ll be more prepared and plan out in advance what to write for you all. Instead of taking that break today, I decided that I am going to share with you all my five must-haves when writing my blogs.

#1 Air Condition

I don’t know where all my readers are from, but I live in Honolulu, Hawai’i. Living here in this beautiful state, it is always hot and humid, so a must-have is being in an AC room when I am writing. I can’t concentrate very well if I am hot and sweaty, which is why you can always find me at a coffee shop doing my work. I also tend to work better in environments where some people are present because I feel like, in a way, they are keeping in line when doing my work. I feel like people watch what you’re doing, and it keeps you from procrastinating.

#2 Coffee or Tea

I don’t know what it is, but sitting in front of a laptop screen for many hours a day can be exhausting. Having coffee or tea with me is essential to keep me caffeinated and awake. My go-to’s are a black iced coffee or a lychee ice tea.

Fact about me: I can’t drink hot beverages.

#3 Spotify

Music is the third must-have for me when working on my blog. I use Spotify Premium (and am on a family plan). I always make sure I have different playlists made for whatever moods I may be feeling. Playing music is also a great way to keep from getting distracted from people around you. I am one of those people that will listen to other people’s conversations. It’s not on purpose, though. I can’t help it when people are talking so loud. Sometimes music is my distraction too.

#4 YouTube

YouTube is great to have when working on my blog because sometimes, I need a break. Working for hours straight can make me feel tired, uninterested in doing work, or lack of motivation. So sometimes, taking a 20-minute break watching YouTube videos can make me feel better. And help me get back on track.

I think it’s important to take breaks when working on anything so you can always have a clear mind.

#5 A Jacket and Hat

This must-have may sound a little silly but, it’s not. The jacket is in case it gets too cold in the airconditioned room. A jacket is also kind of my safety jacket, which makes me feel comfortable wherever I am. The hat keeps me from looking around and paying more attention to what others are doing rather than what I should be doing.

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