For the last month, I have been taking care of 5 stray cats, one mother, and four kittens. They are probably the cutest cats I have ever seen. It could not have happened at a better time, and I am in love with them.

The last month and a half have been particularly rough. I’ve had a hard time adjusting to life without treatments and doctors every week. I’ve also been having a hard time getting a job that meets my needs. So, it did happen at the perfect time.

It started with the mama cat coming around for a few days, sleeping outside of our house, and eating treats I would leave out for her.

One morning when I woke up and went outside to see if the mom was around, I came out to the amazing surprise of 4 kittens. I am assuming she brought them around because I had been feeding her and leaving water out for her, so she guessed we’d feed her babies too.

And she thought right, that night we went out and bought 30 dollars worth of wet and dry cat food. It was worth it. We’ve been feeding them twice a day with playtime in between.

The rule with these kittens was; DON’T NAME THEM, OR YOU’LL GET TOO ATTACHED. Today we have named all of the kittens; Mama, Calico, Baby, Grey, and Oreo.

I don’t think I regret naming them, but I will be extremely sad when they decide that it is time to move on. Or when the landlord at the house somehow gets them to leave.

We already had gotten caught feeding them once, and the landlord told us to call the humane society to come and pick them up. But my mom says there is little to no chance of them coming to get them.

So until the landlord finds his own way of getting the cats to leave, you bet I’ll be feeding and taking care of them until then.

Meet Calico, I don’t know how old he is or if he is even a he, in fact I don’t know what the gender or age is for any of them. He is quite active and relatively friendly. He absolutely loves shoes, slippers and playing with string. He’s even gone as far as coming into the house on his own a few times.

This is Baby, and he is my favorite kitten out of the four. He lets me carry him and like his sibling he loves playing with the string. I also recently bought a cheep laser pointer from the store and he can’t get enough of it. He is fearless, and will always walk into the house whenever we open the door.

This gorgeous one’s name is Grey. He can be shy at times but he is so love-able and also loves exploring in the plants. We find him the oddest places. He is also very playful and loves to climb.

This little guy is Oreo, he is the shyest out of all of the kittens and is a definite mamas boy. He is very skittish compared to his siblings and won’t let you near him, meaning he will run away. He always looks like he wants to play but will almost never come out to play when everyone else.

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