I have two adorable dogs named Hapa and Elsa. They aren’t exactly puppies anymore considered they turned 5 and 4 years old this year. But it’s kind of like how when a mother had a baby. They will always be their baby. My puppies will always be my puppies.

Hapa, who is my dog, is an almost 5-year-old Chihuahua Mini Pin. I’m convinced he is also part Australian Kelpie.

I got Hapa as an early Christmas present when he was just six weeks old. I know that’s a little young to take a dog away from his mother, but from my understanding, he needed a new home as soon as possible.

It was tough for the first few months of having him in our home. He would cry a lot throughout the night and somehow make a ton of noise all on his own. But I don’t think I would have wanted it any other way.

I haven’t done the best job at training him, he will bark at literally everything, (and I take full responsibility for that) but at least he is an excellent guard dog now. He is also way too smart for his own good. I swear he has a lot of different face expressions and the biggest personality.

A dog is more than just a pet. A dog is apart of the family. He has been my best friend for the last five years and has always been there for me when no one else was.

I haven’t been spending as much time with my dog recently because he lives at my home where I grew up, and the house I currently live in doesn’t allow pets. I honestly can’t wait till I move into a house where they allow pets. I also am so thankful for my grandma for taking care of my dog for the last year for me.

I unfortunately didn’t have any of her puppy pictures while writing this post. I’ll add one later when I do find one.

The second puppy I’d like to introduce is Elsa. She is a 4-year-old Chihuahua Beagle Terrier, and I seriously consider her a rescue. She is my older brother’s dog, and we bought her from a pet store about 20 miles from our house. She was the runt of the little and covered in fleas.

Today, you wouldn’t even be able to tell that she was the runt. She is a happy, healthy, and a very food motivated puppy. She looks overweight, but apparently, she’s not because the vets have never said anything about it.

She, too, is also a smart puppy and even probably too smart for her own good. She has quite the personality and is a huge cuddler.

They also have an Instagram account @hapainhawaii if you’d like to see more cute pictures!

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