Embarrassed To Have Cancer

Embarrassed To Have Cancer

Recently, I’ve followed a social media page that has to do with cancer and I can honestly say I am absolutely embarrassed to be apart of the cancer community. What happened to just wishing each other well and hoping that the treatments that the other person is in will...
Life Update

Life Update

THIS IS A LONG BORING UPDATE ABOUT HOW MY LIFE HAS BEEN GOING! I haven’t exactly been updating my social media accounts with how my life has been going, I simply just haven’t had enough time. It’s honestly difficult to find time to make videos for my YouTube channel...
Invincible, Right…?

Invincible, Right…?

Growing up I had always thought I was invincible. Invincible in the sense I could never be knocked down from life, or that I would not stay down or hurt from whatever it threw at me. I had grown up from my past, the basics, being bullied throughout my time of going to...
The ‘C’ Word

The ‘C’ Word

Cancer. It’s the six letter word no one ever wants to hear. Especially a 15 year old girl. It was by far one of the most terrifying days of my life, not everything that I had gone through in the 24 hours before, it was when those words came out of my doctor’s...

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