To My Future Self

To My Future Self

Dear Future Self, Whether you are reading this a month, year, five years, or even ten years from now, I want you to remember exactly how this moment felt. You are currently sitting outside of a coffee shop in a mini mall-like place, writing your 6th blog post for...
5 Things I Want To Do Before 2020

5 Things I Want To Do Before 2020

There are approximately 88 days left in 2019, and there are still so many things that I want to do before the year is up. We spend to much time working a job or just surviving day to day rather than enjoying life. With all the events that have happened in my life in...
Meet The Blogger

Meet The Blogger

I answered 20 questions so you all can get to know me a little better! Where did you grow up? I am born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii. Where do you currently live? I still live in Honolulu, just a different part.  Who was your first best friend? Is it wrong that it...
Why I Started Blogging

Why I Started Blogging

For day two of Blogtober, I have decided to write about why I decided to start a blog. Since elementary school, I have always had a fascination with reading and writing. I was what you could call a “book-worm.” I’d go to the library every week and...
What is Blogtober?

What is Blogtober?

I’ve always been relatively bad at creating consistent content; I post maybe once a month at best. Despite how bad I am with having content for you all, I have decided to challenge myself and participate in Blogtober! What is it? From my understanding, Blogtober...