Hi all!

Today is just going to be a free write for Blogtober, similar to a diary post today, I guess. Just scattered thoughts. Sometimes I feel like its just a good idea to write about anything that you don’t really talk about much but need to talk about. (If that makes sense).

I think falling in love happens when you least expect it. I believe it happens when you’re not actively looking for it. It happens on one of those late nights when you’re out with your best friend, having your favorite drinks or just out looking up at the night sky talking about life. It happens when you laugh a little too hard at a joke that only the two of you understand. It happens after you’ve been completely heartbroken and are learning to love again. When I realized I was in love, I happened to be drunk in my best friend’s house.

Like most young adults, I have had my heartbroken. I thought that there was no hope for love. I was 18 when I met the love of my life, I just didn’t know it yet. Call me naive, but I believe he is. I want to think that true love is a thing. It just looks nothing like how it does like in the movies. Over the few years I’ve been on this earth, I have learned that relationships are built on communication, trust, and equal effort.

I met the love of my life in February of 2017, and 32 months later, we are happily together (officially for a month). August of 2017, we had finally started talking on a daily basis after I got into a car accident, for the first time in my life I learned what it was like to actually be cared for. Having someone there for you every day can be a rare thing. Having someone who will drive back and forth in the middle of the night for you is an even more precious thing. I love and appreciate everything he has ever done for me.

We’ve had our highs and lows with and without each other, and it took a long time actually to get to know and trust each other fully. It’s crazy how so many people will make assumptions about other people’s relationships and not focus on their own. I had so many people assume we had just immediately started dating off the back and so on. But these people don’t know a thing. We were best friends and probably more, for a long time, but we also spent time apart seeing other people.

For me, it was one of those things where when I was with someone else, it just didn’t feel right. We did our fair share of hurting each other, but not intentionally. I think that just because someone hurts you once it doesn’t mean you should just leave them right off the back. I made the mistake of kissing our mutual friend in front of him to make him jealous because I was in love with him and was hurt, but at the same time, I didn’t tell him I was in love with him. We all make mistakes, and we all need to learn how to move on from them.

I am not going to lie. He hurt me pretty badly too. Sometimes someone has to make a mistake to realize they made one. But from the mistakes we have both made, I feel like we are even stronger now as a couple, than we would be if we were apart. I think something beautiful happened from the mistakes we made. I also believe that everything happens for a reason and that if those mistakes didn’t happen, we wouldn’t be where we are today. I don’t regret a thing.

To all the people who said it wouldn’t happen and wouldn’t last;
thanks for doubting me, thanks for doubting us.

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