A little About Ali

Hello there! My name is Ali and I started blogging in March of 2019, and it’s honestly been a crazy journey since I’ve started.

I am 24 years old and born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii, and am still currently living here. I am an avid content creator, foodie, and adventurer with the desire to someday travel around the world. 

I am currently fighting cancer for the second time. I first got diagnosed in June of 2013, right after my freshman year of high school. I was shortly in remission after a short rollercoaster of events and was cancer-free for almost five years. I relapsed in May of 2018 and was in treatments from October of 2018 – September 2019. I was on a clinical trial nearly 5,000 miles away from home, and I traveled for treatments every three weeks. Being on this journey had inspired me to start my blog, write about my experiences, and spread awareness about it too. Currently, we are just monitoring my cancer with scans every six months to a year.

In my free time I run a small animal rescue out of my home with the focus mainly on cats. I foster, rehabilitate and adopt them out. I love going to music events, hiking, the beach, binge-watching movies and tv shows. I also enjoy streaming on Twitch and vlogging on YouTube.

Thanks for taking the time to learn somethings about me, and I hope to see you following along on this crazy journey of mine!