As you all know, or if you’re new to my blog, I am born and raised in Honolulu, Hawai’i. Growing up here, I absolutely loved it, being in an endless summer, and being able to go to the beach whenever I wanted. Now, since I’ve grown up a bit and have had some experience in this real world, I have learned that it is far from paradise.

Don’t get me wrong it is absolutely beautiful here, but I decided to share with you all some things I dislike about living here. 




The traffic here on Oahu, it is awful. Honolulu is the city with the worst traffic. I don’t know about you guys, but I cannot stand sitting in a car for however long it is in traffic. It’s not only in the mornings, but afternoons too. Thousands of people get up at the same times every day trying to get to the same place, and in the evenings, everyone leaves at the same times trying to get home. If you’re looking for somewhere to move where it is “paradise” I highly recommend taking a look at the traffic first. Personally, when I think of paradise, it does not include traffic. 

I would also like to mention that when it rains in Hawai’i, all of a sudden no one knows how to drive!




Hawaii is also the worst state to make a living, for like, the 9th row in a year now, I believe. All of my friends are opting to move off the islands because it is basically impossible to make money here, you can’t rent a place by yourself, you need multiple people. You can probably count on going into debt when you move here and getting more than one job and working yourself to death.




Honolulu is a tourist hotspot, it’s great for the tourism economy, but not for the locals who live here, it just doesn’t work. The prices are constantly going up for basically everything, the malls are accumulating more and more high-end stores for the tourists. The local stores and prices are slowly disappearing.




Just an example: avocado on the mainland 89 cents
Avocado here $2.50. 
Need I say more?



It is important to keep in mind that you are stuck in one place. You can’t take a road trip when you move to an island. Basically, all you can do is drive in circles. You can always island-hop, but then you have the hassle of needing to rent a vehicle and paying for airfare, etc.




In Hawai’i, it is consistently hot and humid. If you don’t like hot weather, this is definitely not the place for you to move to. The average temperature lately has been 84°-88° with an average humidity of 66%. KEEP IT MIND IT CAN STAY LIKE THIS YEAR ROUND.




It is an island, so if you’re trying to hide from an ex or a person you just never really wanted to see again? Goodluck, chances are you WILL run into them again and again and again.

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