We already dread those 5-hour long flights wondering what to do to keep busy. But, when it’s those 10-hour plus flights, that’s what really kills. I’ve discovered some ways to kill time both at the airport and on the airplane, and hopefully, it will give you guys some ideas on what would be fun for you.

As I have mentioned in my past blogs, I travel every month for treatments. On recent trips, I’ve been getting longer layovers and longer flights back home. I’ve come up with some tricks to get me through those long periods of waiting.

#1 Adventure (the Airport)

Honestly, you have the time so just do it. Adventure the airport, go to the different terminals, walk through the shops. It may seem kind of boring, but it beats sitting around in one place for hours on end waiting to board your next flight. You might also find a good book or magazine to read on the plane. Go and adventure around, find some souvenirs or maybe a restaurant. It’s also good to walk around to get your blood circulating, especially if you just got off a long flight or have one to catch.

#2 Sit Down And Eat A Meal (in the Airport)

Airport food can be kind of boring or gross if you know what I mean. It also can get very pricy. But, if you have the budget to and the time, sit down and eat a meal. Don’t eat till you’re stuffed but eat till you’re just right. You’ll thank me later when you realize how much more comfortable you are sitting in your seat on the plane and not starving. (And yes, I do know that airplanes have meals to purchase, but personally I get uncomfortable trying to eat while I am elbow-to-elbow with a complete stranger).

#3 Have Your Electronics (for the Airport and Airplane)

  • Cell Phone/iPad (if you don’t have unlimited data these options are great!)

Before you leave the house I recommend downloading apps on your phone that does not require wifi to play. Just download a bunch and whatever you don’t like, delete them later. If you already have a Netflix account, I HIGHLY recommend downloading the app onto your phone. There is a feature where you can download certain movies or tv episodes to watch offline. I also pay for Spotify Premium and YouTube Premium to listen to music and watch some of my favorite YouTubers offline. Create a playlist of your favorite songs or different genres, or create a playlist of new songs you have been wanting to listen to. Keep in mind that if you are purchasing any of these memberships, it does get pricey, so don’t forget to cancel it before the next billing cycle if you do not wish to continue it. Purchase your eBooks and audiobooks to listen to and read on the plane too!

  • Handheld Gaming Devices (for the airport and airplane)

Bring your DS, Nintendo Switch and any other portable gaming devices you have with you to play! Catch up on those games you’ve been wanting to play but haven’t had the time to.

#4 Books, Work, Homework, etc… (for the Airport and Airplane)

So, usually, airplanes mean trips and trips usually mean vacation, right? But let’s get real, you’re sitting in the airport or on the plane for hours? Bring the book you’ve been wanting to start or wanting to finish or your homework/work you need to eventually get done anyway! (Just don’t lose it). You’ll feel much better on your vacation not having to worry about finishing it when you get home.

I also like making a checklist of things that I want to do or get done while I am at my destination. (For some weird reason I don’t do it beforehand).

#5 Take a Nap

Traveling is exhausting if you can get a nap in, do it!

#6 Family/Friends (for the Airport)

This one is a long shot, but if you have family or friends that live near the airport that you have a layover in give them a call beforehand and ask them if they would have some time to grab a bite with you or go on a short mini adventure! I’ve done this recently with my cousins, I had a 6-hour layover in San Francisco and didn’t want to just sit around and do nothing. I went over to their house and had a bite to eat and caught up a little then headed back to the airport. (Just make sure you give yourself enough time to get through TSA and get back to your flight on time.)

I know these tips were short but if hopefully, it helped out with the dilemma of what you’re going to do to kill time while traveling!

Thanks for reading~

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