Original post: 11/9/2019
Updated: 7/15/2020


If you don’t already know, I am an April baby, so next April (2020), I will be turning 22 years old. I have to be honest: I feel like I’m growing up, and that life is just passing me by, and it scares me. I feel like it was just yesterday I was a kid in high school when, in reality, that was almost four years ago already. Lately, I have been thinking about my life, my goals, my plans, and the fact that in less than 4 years, I will be 25. I decided that it was time to sit down and come up with goals and things that I want to achieve by the time I’m 25, like a bucket list. I am not the type of person to make bucket lists. In fact, I have probably “started” multiple lists but never wrote more than one or two things on it. I have never liked planning for the future after the first time I got diagnosed with cancer. I didn’t want to make commitments or goals that I wanted to achieve and not actually be able to do all of them. I didn’t want to let myself down, so I limited myself, and that hurt me more than it helped.

Today I have decided to push myself out of my comfort zone for this post and talk about 25 things I’d like to do/achieve by the time I turn 25 years old. This list that I created will be treated as more of a “to-do” list and a personal guide rather than a bucket list. A list of things I’d like to get done in the next few years. I am determined to get out of my comfort zone as I have realized that life is extremely short, and I should make the most of it. It may seem a little out there, some of my goals, but hey, I’m out here trying. Without further ado, here we go.

(In no particular order…)

#1 Explore The City I Live In (or rather the entire island)

I am born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii, and though I have been living here for 21 years and have adventured through the island multiple times, there is still so much I haven’t seen yet. I have been busy getting caught up in the downfalls of life, and I want to start living every day like it’s my last. There are so many restaurants, hikes, beaches, and sites to still see. I want to do everything I can.

#2 Travel Around Asia

I actually would love to travel around the entire world, but at the top of my list is Asia, specifically Japan, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, and the Philipines. Traveling is an immense love of mine, but I have never been able to do it due to a lack of money and not having the confidence to go to another country. But I do have big plans for the near future, so stick around if you’d like to follow my travel adventures.

#3 Take Care Of My Body

Everyone has those New Years’ resolutions of “go to the gym,” and this is pretty similar to that. Although, I want to actually commit to it. I want to take care of my self. I want to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight, learn to meditate, try yoga, and so much more. I want to do all the things that are supposed to be good for the body to take care of it. My body is the only home I have, and I need to start taking care of it.

#4 Rent My First Apartment

I would love nothing more than to find a place that I can call my own(or probably ours since I have a significant other). For most of my life, I have lived with my grandma or great-grandma. And the last almost 2 years with my (now) boyfriend. I want to be able to have something that I can call mine and be proud to come home to.

Update guys! I officially signed a lease in January of this year. My boyfriend and I officially have a place to call ours (even though we are renting it is still ours). We have our four cats with us, and it has been an adjustment, but honestly? It was so much easier than I could have ever imagined, and I feel that I am much happier now than ever.

#5 Move To A Different State or Country

Home will always be here in Honolulu, but staying here will never cure my need to want to explore and regularly experience new and exciting things. So far, my top places where I’d like to move to are Japan, Canada, California, Nevada, Utah, or Nevada. The main reason why I would love to move is I feel I’d be able to make better connections for my Youtubing and Blogging career that I want to pursue.

#6 Grow A Garden

When I was growing up, I had always had a love for growing plants, fruits, and vegetables. My great-grandma taught me how to grow and take care of different plants. It would be a money saver if I’d be able to eat out of my own garden and it would motivate me to eat better too.

#7 Digital Detox

A digital detox is when you disconnect from the internet for a certain amount of time. I think the longest I’ve ever gone with being disconnected was about a week, and it was probably the best week of my life. With my current dream of wanting to be a successful creator, it’s been challenging to make the commitment of a digital detox right now. I hope to plan one soon after my career is more established.

#8 Learn To Make Fancy Adult Drinks

I have bad Asian glow so, that means I don’t drink much. But that doesn’t mean I still wouldn’t like to know how to many delicious beverages. I spend a good amount of time watching other people make fancy drinks, so it intrigues me to learn how to do it too.

Update: I went to the liquor store and bought tequila… and I’ve been making different fruity drinks with that!

#9 Go To More Concerts and


I used LOVE going to a what we, here in Hawaii, call “raves” or “events” every weekend, but I have not gone out in a while. Dressing up in clothes that help you feel confident in your own skin, good music with good friends, it’s seriously the best. I’d like to think it was mainly because I had been in treatments, but I think I’ve also just become very comfortable in not going out anymore.

#10 Go Blonde Again

I went through a phase in my life where I stripped my hair blonde and colored my hair in different colors for months. I would like to do the strip my hair blonde part again. I am one of those people who love changing things up regularly, and it has been a few years since my hair has been a fun color.

Update: If you’re following me on Instagram, I am sure you have seen my hair color now. Although I think I want to do something even more bold and creative now.

#11 See More Broadway Shows

When I was younger, my Aunty would take me to see live performances and shows. It’s something that I have wanted to do again, and I want to go to at least 3 more before I turn 25.

#12 Read More Than 150 Books

I really would like to be a successful entrepreneur, and I know to do that I need to put in consistent work. I read somewhere once that a CEO reads up to 5 books a month or 60 books a year. 150 books by the time I am 25 may seem like an out-there goal, but it is very doable and not even close to the amount I should have read by then.

#13 Pursue Motivational Speaking

I have mentioned in previous posts that I want to be the reason why someone tries, the reason why someone does not give. I want to share my life experiences in hopes it’ll help people to not make the same mistakes I did. I aspire to inspire.

#14 Become Fluent In Japanese

I have taken Japanese for a total of probably 10+ years but am still unable to speak or write full coherent sentences, and it is honestly embarrassing. The problem with learning a second language is if you don’t use it or practice it every day, it will just never stick.

#15 Try A DIY Project

We’ve all spent hours just getting lost in watching DIY projects on YouTube or other social media platforms. Instead of just watching them, I decided before I turn 25 I want to do at LEAST one DIY project. I consider myself a creative person, I just happen to be a huge procrastinator.

#16 Bake/Cook More

I am a HUGE fan of cooking and baking, when I was younger, I had wanted to grow up to be a chef but plans changed. It won’t stop me from making delicious food on my own, though. I want to incorporate cooking and baking more into my life.

#17 Go Skydiving

I am a huge adrenaline junkie. I will do basically anything that gets my heart pumping (as long as its generally safe).

#18 Take Hot Air Balloon Ride

We’ve all seen those movies where people take romantic hot air balloon rides and such or people’s Instagram photos where at sunset there are all the beautiful balloons in the sky. It looks so beautiful, and I want to experience it in person.

#19 Create An Emergency/Rainy Day Fund

Having a savings account, emergency fund, and regular checking account is all very important. I currently barely even have one of those. So, I guess the end goal is to establish financial stability before I turn 25. Meaning I will be debt-free WITH a savings account and emergency funds.

#20 Finish Voicing My Choices

Voicing my choices is for young people who are living with serious illnesses. It is a way to communicate with friends, family, and caregivers how we’d like to be treated, comforted, supported, and remembered. It is basically an advanced caring guide for young people. It is something so scary to think and talk about, but it is something that needs to be done. So my goal is to finish that relatively soon.

#21 Start Drawing Again

Art is therapeutic, and I used to draw and paint. It was fun, and I feel like I should give it a try again.

#22 Become A Twitch Streamer

Coinciding with my goal of becoming a creator, becoming a Twitch streamer is apart of all of that. I am not sure what my niche would be for it yet, but it would probably revolve around playing simple video games.

UPDATE: This is the one I am honestly the proudest of, I am ALMOST a Twitch Affiliate, I am so close! But I feel as if I can already say I am officially a streamer.

#23 Go On A Paranormal Tour

My recent obsession this past year was watching YouTubers who talk about their paranormal experiences, hauntings, and huntings. I have always taken an interest in things like this, and to say it simple enough, I have had my fair share of experiences and feel like I am very in touch with that sense.

#24 Visit Pikes Peak Again

I went to Pikes Peak in the 7th grade when I went to Colorado for a band trip. It was SO BEAUTIFUL from what I remember, so it’s one of those places that I’d definitely like to go to again.

#25 Go To Disneyland

I am a Disney lover and went to Disneyland once when I was younger but can barely remember it now. So I’d like to go again and make new memories with new people.

Making this list has made me nervous, and now posting it has made me feel completely vulnerable. I have always had aspirations and goals but was always too afraid to talk about them, let alone share them on the internet with a bunch of strangers. I have shared so much about myself with you, even if it doesn’t look like it. I have always been afraid of making commitments/lists of things I’d like to do with the fear of not being able to do them. I hope to hope to complete most, if not, all by the time I reach 25. You can follow my journey by subscribing to email updates! (I promise I do not spam, I send one or two emails every month or so).

If you have any tips or any goals of your own you’d like to share, feel free to share them below!

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